Helping you reach your potential and soar higher in life and business

Personality/Temperament Analysis

Life Navigation Assessment (PART Profile©)

Personality Assessment Coaching Package – $297 for Assessment and 2 Coaching Sessions

Based on the Myer-Briggs and DiSC Profiling, Dr Rob has designed a personality assessment tool called PART Profile©. It is a behaviour profiling tool that describes how you are naturally predisposed to behave both in business and in life. It can highlight your innate strengths and identify how you like to be motivated and areas of untapped potential and growth. In a team dynamic, it can be used to amplify areas of potential as well as highlighting improvement areas within individuals and the business.

A PART Profile© is highly validated and takes out the guess work in improving the teams effectiveness and performance.

You can download a basic 50 question PART Self-Assessment that you can discover yourself, or you can Book a Detailed Life Navigation Assessment and Dr Rob will coach you in using the system to communicate more effectively and help grow you and your business.

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